After graciously allowing the "heads" of AWA to use the TWF ring, under the conditions that it have some maintanence work done on it and be returned to the Boneyard the following day, Chase "Darkness" has yet to see hide nor hair of the TWF ring or for that matter, Dale Mud. (I refer to the usage of the name "Mud" as I am not aware, nor do I care, of the name of this apparently bottom feeder of an individual) What is certain though is this: TWF workers have been unable to train or present shows in the boneyard due to the lack of a ring. What else is certain is that Mud, um...Dale has pretty much disappeared off the face of the planet even reportedly, going so far to change his cell number. This lack of respect or lack of responsibility on the AWA "head"s part has even prompted Chase "Darkness" to post this bulletin on MySpace:
"For the love of God would someone please tell me where the hell Dale has put my ring....I can't get in touch with him to save my life and I've sent people by his house and they say the ring isn't there.....I want my ring back and will go get it any day or time someone can tell me where the hell it is......Dale knows he is totally in the wrong and the ring was never suppose to go anywhere but from the boneyard to the bar and then back to the boneyard.....I'm sorry to everyone that we haven't been able to have practice or shows...but thats totally because I can't locate my ring from Dale....so as soon someone can help me out the better...And if anyone talks to Dale or if You read this Dale......I don't want to have to turn this into a legal matter so PLEASE contact me someway and tell me where my ring is so I can get it or actually do the right thing and bring it back like should have been done in the first place...."
It is sad that a possible promising situation has turned into a sad situation that is affecting so many people because one guy can't seem to man up to one event gone wrong. Chase "Darkness" has consistently gone out of his way to help the wrestling commnunity in the area and it is a shame that someone of Chase's good character should be made to suffer because one guy lacks any decent character whatsoever.
Hopefully word get passed between the two sides before legal action has to be taken.
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