Following weeks of non-productive efforts by ring owner Chase "Darkness" to acquire the ring, which was due to be returned following the AWA event, a flux of activity which included multiple postings on MySpace, reporting on this here blog page as well as a discussion on this afternoons Mat Chat call-in show picked up after a posting on MySpace by Darkness himself. In the end, it was merely persistence that brough the ring back to TWF.
A later post revealed, that after countless attempts to pick up the ring at the resident of one of AWA's founders the ring, which was said countless times not to be at the residence, was retrieved by Darkess, Papa John, and several members of the TWF roster from the resident original NOT reported to house the ring.
Now that the ring is back at the Boneyard, the maintainence work orinally agreed to be done by the AWA co-founder can now be accomplished so that training and practice can resume leading to the eventual return of wrestling at the Boneyard.
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