His new book Tito Santana:Tales from the Ring, released in May by Sports Publishing, tells a more positive side of the wrestling story. While many wrestling bios delve mainly into name-calling and the muddy locker rooms of wrestling, Tales From the Ring welcomes the wrestling fan into the career of someone appreciative of his journey as well as those who helped along the way.
Rich Tate from Georgia Wrestling History said about the book:
"Although not as long as I would have liked, the book is also not too bogged down with mundane detail and trash talking. Tito tells his story in brief concise passages, only ripping those whom he feels truly wronged him at some point, while pointing out the positives of those he feels had his best interests in mind as well as making money. I found the book to be quite refreshing from many that spend the entirety tearing down others while putting themselves over, and never a dull read. There are extremely funny stories throughout, and his love of both family and wrestling cannot be questioned. Highly recommended."
You can listen to Rich Tate discuss stories from Santana's book with the hombre himself live this Wednesday night at 9PM by going to www.georgiawrestlinghistory.com and click on the radio show link.
You can purchase Tito's book online here.
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