/ Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Fritz Von Brawner and Bibber McCoy wrestled to a draw > Ray Gunkel defeated the Missing Link > Freddie Blassie defeated Bill Melby by disqualification.
Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Tim Geohagen and Tito Kopa wrestled to a draw > Tim Geohagen & Bill Dromo defeated Tito Kopa & Tarzan Tyler > Saul Weingeroff, Kurt & Karl Von Brauner defeated Joe Scarpa, Gypsy Joe & Chief Little Eagle / Notes: No documented results for this card have been found. Saul Weingeroff managed Kurt & Karl Von Brauner.
AUGUST 26, 1974 (MONDAY) – AUGUSTA, GA – WILLIAM BELL AUDITORIUM (Paul Jones – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Dennis Stamp versus Roberto Soto > Mike McCord versus Doug Somers > Midget Match: Little Tokyo versus Haiti Kid > Ron & Terry Garvin versus Steve Keirn & Bob Orton, Jr. > Tom Jones versus Harley Race > Ole & Gene Anderson versus Mr. Wrestling #1 & #2 / Notes: No documented results for this card have been found. Jimmy Garvin managed Ron & Terry Garvin.
...and on this day in wrestling history:
1975 - Blackjack Lanza & Blackjack Mulligan
defeated Irish Pat Barrett & Dominic DeNucci
for the WWWF Tag Team title
1979 - Harley Race defeated Dusty Rhodes
for the NWA Heavyweight Wrestling title
1991 - Event - SummerSlam
Madison Square Garden, New York, NY
1991 - Bret Hart defeated Curt Hennig
for the WWF Intercontinental title
1991 - Legion of Doom defeated the Nasty Boys
for the WWF Tag Team title
1991 - Dragon Master defeated Jerry Lawler
for the USWA Unified Heavyweight title
1999 - The Dudleys defeated
Spike Dudley & Balls Mahoney
for the ECW Tag Team title
1999 - Tommy Dreamer & Raven
defeated the Dudleys
for the ECW Tag Team title
2000 - Tony Marmaluke & Little Guido
defeated Yoshihiro Tajiri & Mikey Whipwreck
for the ECW Tag title
2000 - Kid Kash defeated Rhino
for the ECW Television title
2001 - Xavier defeated Balls Mahoney
for the USA Pro-Wrestling Heavyweight Title
2002 - Stephanie McMahon announces that
WWE Unified Champion Brock Lesner
is now exclusive to Smackdown

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