On this week's late edition of MNM you will see CM Punk and Julio Dinero pit against Matt Sydal and Onyx on the 27th of August 2003. This match was promoted by NWA: TNA as part of their weekly Pay-Per-View. Magnum T.A. vs Nikita Koloff - United States Heavyweight Championship Tourney - best of 7 Series...In this matchup Nikita is winning 3-0....from August 1986. Jerry Lawler confrontation with Vince McMahon in USWA? If Bret Hart going heel in Memphis was shocking this was absolutely jaw dropping. Again, you have to put this in context. August 23, 1993. Vince has never been acknowledged as anything more then the WWF's lead announcer. 20 years worth of just being a commentator. Most fans didn't even know he owned the company until the early 90's. Suddenly, he's getting booed out of the Mid South Coliseum. The match here is a stretcher match between Jerry Lawler and heel referee Paul Neighbors. But make no mistake, the confrontation between Lawler and Vince was the big draw. About 3,600 showed up for this match, the Memphis crowd since the AWA title switch in 1988. Great historic stuff. This aired on the August 28, 1993 USWA program.
Due to reorganizing during the month of October various components of WNR Media Group will be temporarily on hold or slowed down in order to create the most streamlined wrestling news possible. Wrestling fans can expect Mat Chat Talk Radio to return as well as the debut of Georgia Carolina Wrestling in online form. News here on WNR Mat Chat will continue in a more streamlined indy form over the next few weeks. Updates will be posted on this blog site.
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