Thursday, August 28, 2008

Quickie Wrestling News

Technical Difficulties Fail to Discourage PSP

Despite glitches with last nights Peach State Pandemonium Broadcast, Georgia Wrestling History Online will charge forward with a great show this upcoming Wednesday September 3rd at 9PM featuring NWA legend Ronnie Garvin and GCW star Micah Taylor.

Foley Reportedly Signs with TNA

The Pro Wrestling Torch and are reporting that current WWE superstar Mick Foley has agreed to contracyual terms with TNA Wrestling. It is also being reported that Foley will debut sometime after his WWE contract expires after September 1st. Under speculation is still the possibility that his WWE contract may currently include a non-compete clause making his eventual date of debut with TNA uncertain.

Former GCW Star Young Headed to PTPW?

Wrestler David Young, who recently broke ties with Great Championship Wrestling, is already rumored to be booked with another regional promotion. Young, one of GCW's top drawing stars for the past four years is reportedly due to take part in Prime Time Pro Wrestling's event in Columbus on August 29th. Also of note is the fact that Colt Derringer & Deathrow are scheduled to take on Chris Stevens & a Mystery Partner. Young perhaps? Also on the card will be Elix Skipper and long-time regional wrestler Chic Donovan

Raw Over Monday Night Football Streak Ends

After RAW beating out Monday Night football in the rating the past few weeks, it appears as the WWE using the rash of recent ratings wins as a promotional tool has come to an end. PWInsider is reporting that thispast Mondays MNF game between the Seahawks and Chargers beat out Raw by drawing a 3.2 rating compared to Raw's 2.84. Seeing that Raw did air on the Sci fi channel instead of their usual home and that the NFL is still in it's pre-season, we'll have to wait and see how the two fair against each other under "normal" circumstances.

Kevin Nash Addresses Recent Rumors

The Baltimore sun recently posted a pair of Kevin Nash video interviews online where the former WCW/WWE and current TNA superstar commented on reports that he walked out on TNA tapings last month in Orlando. In one of the interviews he states:

"I have a clause in my contract that states that when it comes to physicality, that I have the right to veto with creative anything that I don't feel is safe, that is warranted or anything else. We had 10 guys and a battle royal is a cluster anyway. To give everyone a weapon and give me a pipe and then the only way I can be eliminated is to go over the top rope. As I was sitting and thinking about it, well the first thing I have to do is go over the top rope and make sure the pipe doesn't leave my hand and hit a fan. Then I have to make sure that I don't impale myself on it. And thirdly, I have to make sure I don't land on it."

To check out both interviews here.

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