Not sure what category to put this in only that we felt the need to include this video for those insanely obsessed with this sort of thing. What thing you ask? Well in this case it's back woods(not sure if you can call this backyard cuz we're really not sure what part of the yard this is) "rasslin". The vignettes aren't particularly that good, the wrestling fair and the ring? We'll it's not really what you'd call a ring but maybe someone, somewhere out there in web land will dig this and as far as it being from the area, it's right in our own backyard (pun intended). You may just recognize a few faces...or not. But anyway...for those of you into this sort of raw happening...someone sent us the link to this video calling it "the hottest thing since the invention of the .99 concevience store brand disposable lighter. Here it is: AWF OBSESSION.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Investigation into IWA Mid-South Event
(courtesy of
The Sellersburg (IN) Police Department is investigating whether a match that took place in their town was a work or a shoot. Back on June 21, IWA Mid-South ran a show in the parking lot of a bowling alley, which featured a match between Mike Levy and Mickie Knuckles. Video of the match, which is highly graphic, has made the rounds on the Internet, and Chief Russ Whelan does not know what to think, but is clearly concerned. Levy, who was not only beaten by Knuckles but was also attacked by many other wrestlers, fans, etc., has not pressed charges. Promoter Ian Rotten spoke on camera, defending the match and the participants, saying the match was part of the show. He also believes people that brought it to the attention of the media and local authorities are competitors of his company. Click here for the story from WLKY-TV.
"Part of the show or not," said Jonny Rokket after viewing the footage. "the video is a prime of example of backyard wrestling at it's absolute worst. This is the type of wrestling that makes proper indy federation looks bad. Knuckles may be a reality TV cult figure but she has no place in a proper wrestling ring."
View the video here The Watts & Rokket Blog Page does not agree with the actions found in this video.

"Part of the show or not," said Jonny Rokket after viewing the footage. "the video is a prime of example of backyard wrestling at it's absolute worst. This is the type of wrestling that makes proper indy federation looks bad. Knuckles may be a reality TV cult figure but she has no place in a proper wrestling ring."
View the video here The Watts & Rokket Blog Page does not agree with the actions found in this video.
Ian Rotten,
iwa mid-south,
Mickie Knuckles,
Mike Levy
Old School 101 - July 31, 2008
(courtesy of
JULY 31, 1933 (MONDAY) – AUGUSTA, GA – AMERICAN LEGION (Max Stewart – Promoter) > Brooks Clayton versus Tommy Daniels > Jim Hesslyn versus Dick Lever / Notes: No documented results for this card have been found.
JULY 31, 1946 (WEDNESDAY) – AUGUSTA, GA – AUGUSTA MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM (Thurman Copley – Promoter) > Joe Marsh versus Charlie Harben > Jack Dillon versus Dick Lever > Nick Carter versus Jack Hader / Notes: No documented results for this card have been found.
JULY 31, 1950 (MONDAY) – AUGUSTA, GA – AUGUSTA MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM (Tom Mahoney – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Don McIntyre and Buddy Knox wrestled to a draw > Women’s Match: Mae Young & Beverly Lehmer defeated Jean Holland & Eva Lee (2-0) > Bibber McCoy defeated Don McIntyre (2-1)
JULY 31, 1957 (WEDNESDAY) – AUGUSTA, GA – WRDW STUDIOS (Tom Mahoney – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Freddie Blassie defeated Nelson Royal (2-1)
JULY 31, 1961 (MONDAY) – AUGUSTA, GA – WILLIAM BELL AUDITORIUM (Robert McCoy – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Women’s Tag Team Match: Judy Grable & Fran Gravette versus Dot Carter & Jean Perez > Ricky Storm versus Gypsy Joe / Notes: No documented results for this card have been found.
JULY 31, 1978 (MONDAY) – AUGUSTA, GA – WILLIAM BELL AUDITORIUM (Charlie Harben – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Ken Dillinger defeated Barry Orton > The Challenger defeated Roger Howell > Rick Martel & Rick McGraw defeated Hartford Love & Ken Dillinger > No DQ / No TL Match: Ole Anderson & Ivan Koloff defeated Stan Hansen & Tommy Rich > Texas Death Match: Thunderbolt Patterson defeated King Kong Mosca / Notes: Ken Dillinger substituted for the French Angel to team with Hartford Love in the match with Rick Martel & Rick McGraw.
...and on this day in wrestling history:
2000 - Lance Storm defeated Lt. Loco
for the WCW Cruiserweight title
2003 - Rory Fox defeated Shark Boy
for the Heartland Wrestling Association
Cruiserweight Title

John Laurinaitis (43)
Kid Kash (39)
Johnny Ace (43)
Johnny Webb (39)

JULY 31, 1946 (WEDNESDAY) – AUGUSTA, GA – AUGUSTA MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM (Thurman Copley – Promoter) > Joe Marsh versus Charlie Harben > Jack Dillon versus Dick Lever > Nick Carter versus Jack Hader / Notes: No documented results for this card have been found.
JULY 31, 1950 (MONDAY) – AUGUSTA, GA – AUGUSTA MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM (Tom Mahoney – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Don McIntyre and Buddy Knox wrestled to a draw > Women’s Match: Mae Young & Beverly Lehmer defeated Jean Holland & Eva Lee (2-0) > Bibber McCoy defeated Don McIntyre (2-1)
JULY 31, 1957 (WEDNESDAY) – AUGUSTA, GA – WRDW STUDIOS (Tom Mahoney – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Freddie Blassie defeated Nelson Royal (2-1)
JULY 31, 1961 (MONDAY) – AUGUSTA, GA – WILLIAM BELL AUDITORIUM (Robert McCoy – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Women’s Tag Team Match: Judy Grable & Fran Gravette versus Dot Carter & Jean Perez > Ricky Storm versus Gypsy Joe / Notes: No documented results for this card have been found.
JULY 31, 1978 (MONDAY) – AUGUSTA, GA – WILLIAM BELL AUDITORIUM (Charlie Harben – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Ken Dillinger defeated Barry Orton > The Challenger defeated Roger Howell > Rick Martel & Rick McGraw defeated Hartford Love & Ken Dillinger > No DQ / No TL Match: Ole Anderson & Ivan Koloff defeated Stan Hansen & Tommy Rich > Texas Death Match: Thunderbolt Patterson defeated King Kong Mosca / Notes: Ken Dillinger substituted for the French Angel to team with Hartford Love in the match with Rick Martel & Rick McGraw.
...and on this day in wrestling history:
2000 - Lance Storm defeated Lt. Loco
for the WCW Cruiserweight title
2003 - Rory Fox defeated Shark Boy
for the Heartland Wrestling Association
Cruiserweight Title

John Laurinaitis (43)
Kid Kash (39)
Johnny Ace (43)
Johnny Webb (39)
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
FCW Mention in Pro Wrestling Illustrated

(see picture below)
Recognized as the wrestling's number one magazine since the first issue hit stands in 1979, Pro Wrestling Illustrated has featured the top superstars as well as up and coming wrestlers over the past 29 years. In addition to the "Your Guide to the Independents" in which FCW is mentioned, the September 2008 issue also features a special mid-year report as well as a cover story on WWE superstar Randy Orton.
It has come to the attention of the staff here at Mat Chat that this issue has been hard to find. After extensive searching we can report that a healthy supply can be found at the Books-A-Million on Washington road.

Chris Mayne,
devon wright,
pro wrestling illustrated,
randy orton,
Old School 101 - July 30, 2008
(courtesy of
JULY 30, 1962 (MONDAY) – AUGUSTA, GA – WILLIAM BELL AUDITORIUM (Steve Manderson – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Women’s Match: Diana Beamon versus Sweet Georgia Brown > Red Roberts versus Chief Crazy Horse > Gene Murphy versus Rito Carreon > Don Curtis versus Joe Scarpa > Pedro Godoy versus the Russian Crusher / Notes: No documented results for this card have been found.
JULY 30, 1979 (MONDAY) – AUGUSTA, GA – WILLIAM BELL AUDITORIUM (Charlie Harben – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Jerry Stubbs defeated Doug Somers > Carl Fergie defeated Jerry Roberts > Ray Candy and Blackjack Lanza wrestled to a draw > Georgia Heavyweight Title Match: the Masked Superstar defeated Wahoo McDaniel* to win title > Cage Match: Stan Hansen & Tommy Rich defeated Ole Anderson & Ivan Koloff / Notes: Bobby Heenan managed Blackjack Lanza and the Masked Superstar.
...and on this day in wrestling history:
1935 - Danno O'Mahony defeated Ed Strangler Lewis
for the NWA Heavyweight Wrestling title
1960 - Gory Guerrero defeated Rey Mendoza
for the EMLL NWA Light Heavyweight title
2001 - Booker T defeated Kurt Angle
for the WCW Heavyweight title
2001 - X-Pac defeated Billy Kidman
for the WCW Cruiserweight title
2003 - The Damaja defeated Doug Basham
for the Ohio Valley Heavyweight title

Captain Lou Albano (75)

JULY 30, 1979 (MONDAY) – AUGUSTA, GA – WILLIAM BELL AUDITORIUM (Charlie Harben – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Jerry Stubbs defeated Doug Somers > Carl Fergie defeated Jerry Roberts > Ray Candy and Blackjack Lanza wrestled to a draw > Georgia Heavyweight Title Match: the Masked Superstar defeated Wahoo McDaniel* to win title > Cage Match: Stan Hansen & Tommy Rich defeated Ole Anderson & Ivan Koloff / Notes: Bobby Heenan managed Blackjack Lanza and the Masked Superstar.
...and on this day in wrestling history:
1935 - Danno O'Mahony defeated Ed Strangler Lewis
for the NWA Heavyweight Wrestling title
1960 - Gory Guerrero defeated Rey Mendoza
for the EMLL NWA Light Heavyweight title
2001 - Booker T defeated Kurt Angle
for the WCW Heavyweight title
2001 - X-Pac defeated Billy Kidman
for the WCW Cruiserweight title
2003 - The Damaja defeated Doug Basham
for the Ohio Valley Heavyweight title

Captain Lou Albano (75)
TNA Carolina House Ratings, News

Here are some recent TNA house show attendance figures courtesy of The Wrestling Observer Newsletter:
July 25 in Fayetteville, NC drew 1,800 fans.
July 26 in Florence, SC drew 2,000 fans.
July 27 in Kenansville, NC drew 1,250 fans.
It should be noted that crowds on all three shows were more papered than usual. Advances going into the week for the three-day loop were said to be poor in all of the cities and it looked like the first potential money losing weekend since they started running three-city tours. However, all three cities ended up having strong ticket buys late. One thing that left many scratching their heads was the show in Kenansville selling 400 tickets the day before the show.
According to a report by's Jason Powell, Tomko has finished his run with TNA and was reportedly saying his goodbyes backstage at the tapings this week in Orlando. According to reports, the decision was made to part ways as Tomko has a history of turning down ideas from creative and not wanting to work with the company on numerous occassions.
Dustin Runnels, who worked in TNA as Black Reign and was the former Goldust in WWE, has also finished up with TNA. Much like with James Mitchell and Rellik, the company had nothing for him creatively, but the door was left open for a return down the line.
According to some new reports, Kevin Nash walking out on last night's Impact taping was a clash with management over a finish to a Gauntlet match set to air next week on Spike TV. Nash quietly left the taping, but it appears everything has blown over and that he is still with the company.
black reign,
dustin runnels,
james mitchell,
kevin nash,
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
WNRadio Debut Show Results & Preview

Matt Chat with
Watts & Rokket
3PM Aug. 3rd
Call-In #
(347) 826-9284
Guests TBA
After a rough yet successful debut show, Joey & Jonny return this Sunday with a new time and setup. WNRadio Talk will start two hours earlier at 3:00 PM and we will have an additional 30 minutes just in case it gets good folks!
While the switchboard was a bit troublesome, leaving some listeners unable to call in, the stats reveal that over 75 listeners tuned in and even more have listened to the archived version of the show since then.
Joey and I were joined by FCW CEO Daniel E. Mayne and one of FCW's most popular wrestlers called in to hint when he might be making his return to FCW. Topics included the July 26th FCW "In Your Face" results, FCW being mentioned in Pro Wrestling Illustrated, as well as upoming FCW shows at Patriots Park (August 9th), Liberty Park (August 23rd), and the Thomson National Guard Armory (september 27th).
Expect to great guests this Sunday. You can listen in at
Old School 101 - July 29, 2008
(courtesy of
JULY 29. 1936 (WEDNESDAY) – AUGUSTA, GA – NEW COLISEUM (Bill Metzger – Promoter) > Chief War Eagle defeated Billy McEwen > Southern Lightweight Title Match: Lon Chaney defeated Johnny Marrs* to win title / Notes: Johnny Marrs had been billed as the Southern Lightweight Champion since June 17, 1936.
JULY 29, 1957 (MONDAY) – AUGUSTA, GA – WILLIAM BELL AUDITORIUM (Tom Mahoney – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Freddie Blassie and Don McIntyre wrestled to a draw > Don McIntyre & Mike Clancy defeated Freddie Blassie & Kurt Von Brawner by disqualification > NWA World Heavyweight Title Match: Edouard Carpentier* defeated Bob Langevin (2-0) / Notes: Edouard Carpentier had been the reigning NWA World Heavyweight Champion since he defeated Lou Thesz on June 14, 1957, in Chicago, IL, when Thesz injured his back and could not finish the match. In a rematch between the them on July 24, 1957, in Montreal, PQ, Thesz won by disqualification and began claiming the title, but the NWA still recognized Carpentier as its champion.
JULY 29, 1974 (MONDAY) – AUGUSTA, GA – WILLIAM BELL AUDITORIUM (Paul Jones – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Steve Keirn versus King Pago Pago > Ron & Terry Garvin versus Dennis Stamp & Bill Dromo > Roger Kirby versus Bob Orton, Jr. > Super A, Ole & Gene Anderson versus the Professional, Mr. Wrestling #1 & #2 > NWA World Heavyweight Title Match: Jack Brisco* versus Buddy Colt / Notes: No documented results for this card have been found. Jimmy Garvin managed Ron & Terry Garvin.
...and on this day in wrestling history:
1984 - Scott McGhee defeated Superstar Billy Graham
for the Florida State Heavyweight title
1991 - Awesome Kong defeated Jerry Lawler
for the USWA Unified Heavyweight title
1996 - Cueball Carmichael defeated Johnny Gunn
for the IPWA Heavyweight title

Lou Albano (75)
Scott Steiner (46)
Jackie Anderson (44)

JULY 29, 1957 (MONDAY) – AUGUSTA, GA – WILLIAM BELL AUDITORIUM (Tom Mahoney – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Freddie Blassie and Don McIntyre wrestled to a draw > Don McIntyre & Mike Clancy defeated Freddie Blassie & Kurt Von Brawner by disqualification > NWA World Heavyweight Title Match: Edouard Carpentier* defeated Bob Langevin (2-0) / Notes: Edouard Carpentier had been the reigning NWA World Heavyweight Champion since he defeated Lou Thesz on June 14, 1957, in Chicago, IL, when Thesz injured his back and could not finish the match. In a rematch between the them on July 24, 1957, in Montreal, PQ, Thesz won by disqualification and began claiming the title, but the NWA still recognized Carpentier as its champion.
JULY 29, 1974 (MONDAY) – AUGUSTA, GA – WILLIAM BELL AUDITORIUM (Paul Jones – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Steve Keirn versus King Pago Pago > Ron & Terry Garvin versus Dennis Stamp & Bill Dromo > Roger Kirby versus Bob Orton, Jr. > Super A, Ole & Gene Anderson versus the Professional, Mr. Wrestling #1 & #2 > NWA World Heavyweight Title Match: Jack Brisco* versus Buddy Colt / Notes: No documented results for this card have been found. Jimmy Garvin managed Ron & Terry Garvin.
...and on this day in wrestling history:
1984 - Scott McGhee defeated Superstar Billy Graham
for the Florida State Heavyweight title
1991 - Awesome Kong defeated Jerry Lawler
for the USWA Unified Heavyweight title
1996 - Cueball Carmichael defeated Johnny Gunn
for the IPWA Heavyweight title

Lou Albano (75)
Scott Steiner (46)
Jackie Anderson (44)
Monday, July 28, 2008
Results: RWE Constant Carnage - 7/27/08

RWE Constant Carnage 7-27-08 Match Results
Club Industry, SC
Kayos defeats Frank Stone by pinfall
Muzzle defeats Solitude by pinfall
The Internationals defeat
Common Man & Johnny Blaze by pinfall
Cali Casanova defeats Hexxon by pinfall
"The American Nightmare" Sixx defeats
Big Game James by pinfall
Constant Carnage Match
Team RWE (Jeremy Bonebrake, Bobby "The Inferno" Cook, Ben Bryant, David Coleman, Ryan Rain, Brett Taylor, L-Train, Darkness, James Hunter)
Team AOP (Ryan "The Boneman" Bonebrake, "The Erratic" Page Eriks, Matt Crosby, Vincent Chambers, Dustin Michaels, Jeremy Cruz, Chris Mayne, Kayos, Kevin Kurgan)
by pinfall
Old School 101 - July 28, 2008
(courtesy of
JULY 28, 1958 (MONDAY) – AUGUSTA, GA – ARMORY HALL (Robert McCoy – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Ronnie Etchison versus Jack Dillon > Frank Townsend versus the Skull > Ray Gunkel versus Angelo Poffo / Notes: No documented results for this card have been found. There were two referees for the match between Ray Gunkel versus Angelo Poffo. Bronko Lubich managed Poffo.
...and on this day in wrestling:
1995 - Eddy Guerrero defeated Dean Melanko
for the ECW Television title
1997 - Alex Wright defeated Chris Jericho
for the WCW Cruiserweight title
2003 - Molly Holly defeated Gail Kim
for the WWE Women's title

Jeremy Vain (27)
Billy Buck

...and on this day in wrestling:
1995 - Eddy Guerrero defeated Dean Melanko
for the ECW Television title
1997 - Alex Wright defeated Chris Jericho
for the WCW Cruiserweight title
2003 - Molly Holly defeated Gail Kim
for the WWE Women's title

Jeremy Vain (27)
Billy Buck
Wrestler Marlena Can't Sell Home, Now Giving It to Charity
(courtesy of
What do you do if you're a former pro wrestling star who can't unload your Gainesville, Fla. spread on a housing market that's knee-deep in the gator tank? You create a charity to change the world and a contest to give away your house.
That's right, if you have $200 and an idea to "change the world" you can write about your dreams to Marlena (or as we like to call her, Terri Lynne Boatright Runnels). One lucky winner will get her house plus $100,000 to change the world.
Before you balk at the entrance fee, take a gander at Marlena's four-bedroom, three-bath spread with over-size Jacuzzi bathtub, hardwood flooring, tiled garage and custom-made pool.
Of course, don't let the thought of inhabiting that delicious peach-filled interior stop you from focusing on your desire to make the earth a better place.
You might consider sending those two C-notes to Habitat for Humanity, but then you'd just be focused on changing the world rather than changing the world and getting a free house.
(And if anyone from the IRS is reading, we're kinda interested in hearing what you have to say about this giveaway for charity that only costs $200 to enter. )
Runnels will be appearing at the next CWA event August 8th at the Jamile Temple in Columbia, SC for more info visit

That's right, if you have $200 and an idea to "change the world" you can write about your dreams to Marlena (or as we like to call her, Terri Lynne Boatright Runnels). One lucky winner will get her house plus $100,000 to change the world.
Before you balk at the entrance fee, take a gander at Marlena's four-bedroom, three-bath spread with over-size Jacuzzi bathtub, hardwood flooring, tiled garage and custom-made pool.
Of course, don't let the thought of inhabiting that delicious peach-filled interior stop you from focusing on your desire to make the earth a better place.
You might consider sending those two C-notes to Habitat for Humanity, but then you'd just be focused on changing the world rather than changing the world and getting a free house.
(And if anyone from the IRS is reading, we're kinda interested in hearing what you have to say about this giveaway for charity that only costs $200 to enter. )
Runnels will be appearing at the next CWA event August 8th at the Jamile Temple in Columbia, SC for more info visit
Results: TNA - 7/26/08

Florence, SC
TNA X Division Champion Petey Williams defeated Kaz.
Rhino defeated Robert Roode.
James Storm defeated Eric Young. After the match, Super Eric came out and took out Storm.
TNA Women's Knockout Champion Taylor Wilde defeated Awesome Kong.
TNA World Tag Team Champions LAX defeated The Rock N Rave Infection.
Kurt Angle cut a promo for the live audience.
Abyss defeated Tomko in a Street Fight Match.
TNA World Champion Samoa Joe defeated Christian Cage.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Sunday Night Classics
The Masked Marvel vs Gorgeous George
Check out this highlights clip from this odd fifties match with the ring surrounded by water complete with extra ref in a boat! Insiration for WCW's Bash at the Beach in the Nineties?
UWF Bladerunners vs Ted Debiase & Dr. Death
These two Bladerunners from 1986 would go on to parallel paths. Sting as a star in WCW, Rock as a star called The Ultimate Warrior in the WWF. Sting and the Warrior would have title reigns in their resepctive companies at the same time in the late eighties and eventually team back up in 1997 to face Hollywood Hogan & Brett Hart in WCW. Here is where it all began!
Check out this highlights clip from this odd fifties match with the ring surrounded by water complete with extra ref in a boat! Insiration for WCW's Bash at the Beach in the Nineties?
UWF Bladerunners vs Ted Debiase & Dr. Death
These two Bladerunners from 1986 would go on to parallel paths. Sting as a star in WCW, Rock as a star called The Ultimate Warrior in the WWF. Sting and the Warrior would have title reigns in their resepctive companies at the same time in the late eighties and eventually team back up in 1997 to face Hollywood Hogan & Brett Hart in WCW. Here is where it all began!
Old School 101 - July 27, 2008

JULY 27, 1959 (MONDAY) – AUGUSTA, GA – ARMORY HALL (Robert McCoy – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Charley Laye versus Gypsy Joe > No TL Match: Adrien Baillargeon versus El Gato / Notes: No documented results for this card have been found.
JULY 27, 1964 (MONDAY) – AUGUSTA, GA – WILLIAM BELL AUDITORIUM (Steve Manderson – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Bob Hamby defeated Randy Roper > John & Chris Tolos defeated Billy & Bad Boy Hines > Boxing Match: George Harris defeated Joe Scarpa by KO in seventh round.
...and on this day in wrestling history:
1950 - Lou Thesz defeated Gorgeous George
to unify the AWA World Heavyweight Title
with the NWA World Heavyweight Title
1963 - Fritz Von Erich defeated Verne Gagne
for the AWA Heavyweight title
1992 - Tom Prichard defeated Brian christopher
for the USWA Southern Heavyweight title
1996 - Harlem Heat defeated the Steiner Brothers
for the WCW World Tag Team title
1999 - D-Lo Brown defeated Jeff Jarrett
for the WWF Intercontinental title
2002 - Low-Ki defeated Christopher Daniels,
Spanky, and Doug Williams for the
first Ring of Honor title
2003 - Kurt Angle defeated Brock Lesnar
for the WWE Smackdown Heavyweight title
2003 - Eddie Guerrero defeated Chris Benoit
in a tournament final to re-instate for the
WWE U.S. Heavyweight Championship

Greg Gagne (60)
Manny Fernandez (58)
Triple H (39)
Chris Stephenson (34)
Kid Dynamo (29)
Shannon Moore (29)
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Results: FCW In Your Face - 7/26/08

FCW In Your Face - July 26, 2008 - Patriots Park
FCW CEO Daniel E. Mayne announced early on that it would be a busy night for V.I.P., first with a surprise tag team going against Champs Cali Casanova and Brandon Paradise for the FCW tag belts, then in the main event as FCW World Champion Devon
Wright would have to face newcomer Ethan Case for the gold.
Johnny Blaze defeated Hans Baumgartner
Draven defeated Sgt. Solitude
(BMF Championship)
Champion Matt Crosby defeated Hallowicked
James Hunter defeated Big Game James
Tommy Kash defeats Mason Storm & Venom
(Loudest Man in FCW Contest)
Kevin Kerghan defeats Nick Kismet
(Tag Team Championship)
Cali Casanova & Brandon Paradise defeat
Darkness & Daniel E. Mayne by D.Q.
--CEO Mayne announces himself and a reinstated Darkness as challengers for Tag Titles. Mayne is then hurt and carted off to the back leaving Darkness to battle on solo. Rage Champion CHRIS Mayne then enters the ring as Darkness' partner and gets the pin for the win and the belts...until CEO Daniel E. Mayne hobbles out and awards Casanova and Paradise the match by D.Q. due to CHRIS Mayne entering the match.
(FCW World Championship)
Champ Devon Wright vs Ethan Case
Time Limit Draw
Old School 101 - July 26, 2008
(courtesy of
JULY 26, 1940 (FRIDAY) – AUGUSTA, GA – AUGUSTA MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM (Promoter – Unknown) > Dobie Osborne defeated Scotty Dawkins by disqualification > Jack Ross defeated Pat Newman (2-0) / Notes: It was reported that 1,800 were in attendance for this card. Jack Dempsey was the special referee for the match between Jack Ross and Pat Newman.
JULY 26, 1956 (THURSDAY) – AUGUSTA, GA – WILLIAM BELL AUDITORIUM (Tom Mahoney – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Billy Blassie defeated the Zebra Kid > Eddie Gossett defeated Red McIntyre > Women’s Match: Millie Stafford versus Catherine Simpson > World Tag Team Title Match: Eddie Gossett & Art Nelson* versus Don & Red McIntyre / Notes: Eddie Gossett & Art Nelson and Don & Red McIntyre were scheduled to wrestle each other, as were Millie Stafford and Catherine Simpson, but no results were reported after the card. It is unclear as to how Eddie Gossett & Art Nelson came to be recognized as World Tag Team Champions. The last reference we have shows Jack O’Brien & Pierre LaSalle defeating Roger Mackay & Jackie Nichols to win the title on March 23, 1956, in Atlanta. The Zebra Kid was initially ruled the winner of his match with Billy Blassie, but the decision was reversed by the referee.
...and on this day in wrestling history:
1986 - Dusty Rhodes defeated Ric Flair
for the NWA Heavyweight Wrestling title
1998 - Event - IYH: Fully Loaded
Civic Center, Fresno, CA
1998 - Steve Austin & the Undertaker
defeated Kane & Mankind for the WWF Tag title

Tommy "Wildfire" Rich

JULY 26, 1956 (THURSDAY) – AUGUSTA, GA – WILLIAM BELL AUDITORIUM (Tom Mahoney – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Billy Blassie defeated the Zebra Kid > Eddie Gossett defeated Red McIntyre > Women’s Match: Millie Stafford versus Catherine Simpson > World Tag Team Title Match: Eddie Gossett & Art Nelson* versus Don & Red McIntyre / Notes: Eddie Gossett & Art Nelson and Don & Red McIntyre were scheduled to wrestle each other, as were Millie Stafford and Catherine Simpson, but no results were reported after the card. It is unclear as to how Eddie Gossett & Art Nelson came to be recognized as World Tag Team Champions. The last reference we have shows Jack O’Brien & Pierre LaSalle defeating Roger Mackay & Jackie Nichols to win the title on March 23, 1956, in Atlanta. The Zebra Kid was initially ruled the winner of his match with Billy Blassie, but the decision was reversed by the referee.
...and on this day in wrestling history:
1986 - Dusty Rhodes defeated Ric Flair
for the NWA Heavyweight Wrestling title
1998 - Event - IYH: Fully Loaded
Civic Center, Fresno, CA
1998 - Steve Austin & the Undertaker
defeated Kane & Mankind for the WWF Tag title

georgia wrestling history,
old school 101
Sandman denied Bail, Then Released

Thursday Fullington's son Tyler and daughter Kelly were in the courtroom hearing where Judge Daly refused to set bail because the wrestler's rap sheet showed two prior serious convictions out of state. Daly said he did not have jurisdiction to set bail.
Outside the courtroom, Sandman’s attorney, John R. Lewis said the two convictions were for burglaries to which Sandman pleaded guilty in 1983 when he was 20.
Fullington and his lawyer will return to court next week to discuss the charges; his lawyer thinks some of them are too severe and added he did not believe his client had "roid rage."
James Fullington,
The Sandman,
Friday, July 25, 2008
Old School 101 - July 25, 2008
(courtesy of
JULY 25, 1949 (MONDAY) – AUGUSTA, GA – AUGUSTA MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM (Tom Mahoney – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Ben Morgan versus Charlie Harben > Don McIntyre & Johnny Long versus Babe Zaharias & the Black Menace / Notes: No documented results for this card have been found. There was reportedly a battle royal scheduled, but no details are available.
JULY 25, 1955 (MONDAY) – AUGUSTA, GA – WILLIAM BELL AUDITORIUM (Tom Mahoney – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Eddie Gossett versus Dick Brown > Roy Shire & Bobby Wallace versus Dizzy Davis & Farmer Jones / Notes: No documented results for this card have been found. Bobby Wallace managed Roy Shire.
JULY 25, 1960 (MONDAY) – AUGUSTA, GA – WILLIAM BELL AUDITORIUM (Robert McCoy – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > George Drake versus Corsica Jean > Leo Garibaldi versus the Mighty Yankee > Penalty Belt Match: Mickey Blassie versus Bill Dromo / Notes: No documented results for this card have been found.
JULY 25, 1977 (MONDAY) – AUGUSTA, GA – WILLIAM BELL AUDITORIUM (Charlie Harben – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Richard Blood defeated the Avenger > Bill White and Don Kernodle wrestled to a draw > Gene Anderson & Jacques Goulet versus Dino Bravo & Mr. Wrestling #2 ended in a double disqualification > Pak Song defeated Paul Jones > Tony Atlas defeated Ole Anderson / Notes: Rock Hunter managed Pak Song.
...and on this day in wrestling history:
1999 - Event - Fully Loaded
Marine Midland Arena, Buffalo, NY
1999 - Jeff Jarrett defeated Edge
for the WWF Intercontinental title
1999 - Faarooq & Bradshaw
defeated the Hardy Boyz
for the WWF Tag Team title
1999 - D-Lo Brown defeated Mideon
for the WWF European Heavyweight title
1999 - Big Bossman defeated Al Snow
for the WWF Hardcore title
2001 - Doug Basham defeated Flash Flanagan
for the Ohio Valley Heavyweight title

Mikal Judas (34)

JULY 25, 1955 (MONDAY) – AUGUSTA, GA – WILLIAM BELL AUDITORIUM (Tom Mahoney – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Eddie Gossett versus Dick Brown > Roy Shire & Bobby Wallace versus Dizzy Davis & Farmer Jones / Notes: No documented results for this card have been found. Bobby Wallace managed Roy Shire.
JULY 25, 1960 (MONDAY) – AUGUSTA, GA – WILLIAM BELL AUDITORIUM (Robert McCoy – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > George Drake versus Corsica Jean > Leo Garibaldi versus the Mighty Yankee > Penalty Belt Match: Mickey Blassie versus Bill Dromo / Notes: No documented results for this card have been found.
JULY 25, 1977 (MONDAY) – AUGUSTA, GA – WILLIAM BELL AUDITORIUM (Charlie Harben – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Richard Blood defeated the Avenger > Bill White and Don Kernodle wrestled to a draw > Gene Anderson & Jacques Goulet versus Dino Bravo & Mr. Wrestling #2 ended in a double disqualification > Pak Song defeated Paul Jones > Tony Atlas defeated Ole Anderson / Notes: Rock Hunter managed Pak Song.
...and on this day in wrestling history:
1999 - Event - Fully Loaded
Marine Midland Arena, Buffalo, NY
1999 - Jeff Jarrett defeated Edge
for the WWF Intercontinental title
1999 - Faarooq & Bradshaw
defeated the Hardy Boyz
for the WWF Tag Team title
1999 - D-Lo Brown defeated Mideon
for the WWF European Heavyweight title
1999 - Big Bossman defeated Al Snow
for the WWF Hardcore title
2001 - Doug Basham defeated Flash Flanagan
for the Ohio Valley Heavyweight title

Mikal Judas (34)
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Old School 101 - July 24, 2008
(courtesy of
JULY 24, 1933 (MONDAY) – AUGUSTA, GA – AMERICAN LEGION (Max Stewart – Promoter) > Yusef Hussane defeated Dick Lever > Pete Zbyszko versus Horace Epting / Notes: Pete Zbyszko and Horace Epting were scheduled to wrestle each other, but no results were reported after the card.
JULY 24, 1946 (WEDNESDAY) – AUGUSTA, GA – AUGUSTA MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM (Thurman Copley – Promoter) > Al Massey defeated Charlie Harben (2-1) > Johnny Long & Nick Carter defeated Jack Dillon & Jack Hader (2-1)
JULY 24, 1950 (MONDAY) – AUGUSTA, GA – AUGUSTA MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM (Tom Mahoney – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Louie Ross defeated Buddy Knox > Women’s Match: Beverly Lehmer defeated Eva Lee > Women’s Match: Mae Young defeated Jean Holland > Tom Mahoney and Don McIntyre wrestled to a draw at 60:00
JULY 24, 1961 (MONDAY) – AUGUSTA, GA – WILLIAM BELL AUDITORIUM (Robert McCoy – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Mixed Tag Team Match: Mickey Blassie & Peggy Allen versus Johnny King & Fran Gravette > No DQ / No TL Match: Marco Polo versus Gypsy Joe / Notes: No documented results for this card have been found. There was no referee for the match between Marco Polo and Gypsy Joe.
JULY 24, 1978 (MONDAY) – AUGUSTA, GA – WILLIAM BELL AUDITORIUM (Charlie Harben – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Steve Regal versus Mr. Saito > Bill Irwin versus Hartford Love > Len Denton versus Sonny King > Rick Martel versus King Kong Mosca > Ole Anderson & Ivan Koloff versus Stan Hansen & Tommy Rich > NWA World Heavyweight Title Match: Harley Race* versus Thunderbolt Patterson / Notes: No documented results for this card have been found.
...and on this day in wrestling history:
1965 - Crusher & Verne Gagne defeated
Larry Hennig & Harley Race
for the AWA Tag Team title
1967 - Spiros Arion & Bruno Sammartino
defeated Lou Albano & Tony Altimore
for the WWWF Tag Team title
1987 - Sherri Martel defeated Fabulous Moolah
for the WWF Women's title
1996 - The Steiner Brothers
defeated Harlem Heat for the
WCW World Tag Team title
1999 - Edge defeated Jeff Jarrett
for the WWF Intercontinental title
2000 - Lance Storm defeated Big Vito
for the WCW Hardcore title
2001 - Kurt Angle defeated Booker T
for the WCW Heavyweight title
2001 - Booker T awards Chris Kanyon
the WCW U.S. Heavyweight title

Tony Altamare (80)
Joe Savoldi (51)
Torrie Wilson (33)
Jerry Barber

JULY 24, 1946 (WEDNESDAY) – AUGUSTA, GA – AUGUSTA MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM (Thurman Copley – Promoter) > Al Massey defeated Charlie Harben (2-1) > Johnny Long & Nick Carter defeated Jack Dillon & Jack Hader (2-1)
JULY 24, 1950 (MONDAY) – AUGUSTA, GA – AUGUSTA MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM (Tom Mahoney – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Louie Ross defeated Buddy Knox > Women’s Match: Beverly Lehmer defeated Eva Lee > Women’s Match: Mae Young defeated Jean Holland > Tom Mahoney and Don McIntyre wrestled to a draw at 60:00
JULY 24, 1961 (MONDAY) – AUGUSTA, GA – WILLIAM BELL AUDITORIUM (Robert McCoy – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Mixed Tag Team Match: Mickey Blassie & Peggy Allen versus Johnny King & Fran Gravette > No DQ / No TL Match: Marco Polo versus Gypsy Joe / Notes: No documented results for this card have been found. There was no referee for the match between Marco Polo and Gypsy Joe.
JULY 24, 1978 (MONDAY) – AUGUSTA, GA – WILLIAM BELL AUDITORIUM (Charlie Harben – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Steve Regal versus Mr. Saito > Bill Irwin versus Hartford Love > Len Denton versus Sonny King > Rick Martel versus King Kong Mosca > Ole Anderson & Ivan Koloff versus Stan Hansen & Tommy Rich > NWA World Heavyweight Title Match: Harley Race* versus Thunderbolt Patterson / Notes: No documented results for this card have been found.
...and on this day in wrestling history:
1965 - Crusher & Verne Gagne defeated
Larry Hennig & Harley Race
for the AWA Tag Team title
1967 - Spiros Arion & Bruno Sammartino
defeated Lou Albano & Tony Altimore
for the WWWF Tag Team title
1987 - Sherri Martel defeated Fabulous Moolah
for the WWF Women's title
1996 - The Steiner Brothers
defeated Harlem Heat for the
WCW World Tag Team title
1999 - Edge defeated Jeff Jarrett
for the WWF Intercontinental title
2000 - Lance Storm defeated Big Vito
for the WCW Hardcore title
2001 - Kurt Angle defeated Booker T
for the WCW Heavyweight title
2001 - Booker T awards Chris Kanyon
the WCW U.S. Heavyweight title

Tony Altamare (80)
Joe Savoldi (51)
Torrie Wilson (33)
Jerry Barber
The Sandman Falleth & more!

Whatcha gonna do when the Wrestling Mole comes after YOU!
At this past week's WWE taping a video regarding Ron Killings' Smackdown debut was shown. Although it would appear that TNA has zip legal holds on Killings' "The Truth" moniker, the former TNA wrestler will now be referred to as R-Truth.
Truth one really cares.
In related news - from here on out all WWE shows will be carry a PG rating. This adds Raw, which previously was listed as TV-14, to other WWE shows already carrying a PG rating. The WWE released this statement:
“All WWE television programs are rated PG in recognition of the growing appeal of our programs to all ages and as intergenerational family viewing. If parents make the decision to allow their children to watch our programming, we encourage those parents to watch with their children. We urge parents who allow younger children to watch our programming to explain that what our Superstars do on television should not be emulated or attempted in real life.”
So what will that mean as far as actual show changes? WWE storylines are already juvenile and fairy tale like. Will the Divas have to start wearing Wendi Richter style ring attire? If it means never having to watch Edge & Vicki swap spit on TV ever again then the WWE have my vote.
In The Sandman Falleth Department

According to reports, the owner then threw a beer bottle at the former wrestling superstar from about 3 feet away. Then bleeding, Fullington broke free from Roberts and Wolfe chasing the owner into the kitchen and started tossing full dish-racks of glasses. Fullington then found himself at the end of the barrels of five Yonkers cops and a SWAT team. Initially resisting arrest, Fullington was carted off by ambulance waking up the next morning in a Westchester county jail cell.
Fullington's charges include a felony second-degree assault charge and he will undergo a psychiatric evaluation.
With an arrest record a mile-long, who in their right mind invites The Sandman for an evening of drinking and birthday celebration? Unless you're just looking for some free party entertainment, this is one invitation you just don't send out.
You know life sucks when "The Zombie" has to restrain you. Maybe Fullington and Nick Hogan can now become pen pals. Hardcore.
Your "None-TV" RAW Report
There were two dark matches before the live WWE Raw broadcast began to air. In the first Charlie Haas defeated a local jobber with a school boy roll up. In the second match Jamie Noble defeated a jobber named Tyrone Jones with a knee drop from the top rope. (zzzzzzzzzzzzz)
Michael Cole got booed as always when coming to his announce position. (whatever)
During a commercial break Lance Cade and Chris Jericho riled up the crowd by teasing that they were leaving if they didn’t show some respect. By time the commercial was over they were back in the ring. (they should have left)
During another break JBL was cutting a promo before the 6 man tag match, only to be cut off when the cameras started rolling his own theme music. (appropriate)
When the show ended Kane came back out but got a spear from Batista. JBL also got an FU. Cena then got on the mic and teased a Batista vs John Cena match. (WHO CARES!)
Until next time your homework...the WWE is gonna need some new writing talent...SOON!
The comments and opinions of the wrestling mole do not necessarily represent the opinions of Mat Chat.
raw smackdown,
ron killings,
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Southeast Wrestler John Malus Attacked

Columbia, SC - On Tuesday night July 22nd, Southeast indy wrestler John Malus was brutally attacked and stabbed in Columbia, South Carolina. Although initial reports are that no internal organ damage occurred, the attacker narrowly missed hitting Malus' heart during the attack. As of this report, doctors are still unsure if surgery will be required. Reports from a source close to Malus says that Malus, who wrestles for Georgia-Carolina companies ASW, FCW,OSCW, TWF, and WKCW, is in high spirits and already talking about his return to the ring.
Friends, Family and Peers ask that Malus be kept in your prayers as he makes his recovery.
Well Wishes can be made at
Old School 101 - July 23, 2008
(courtesy of
JULY 23, 1962 (MONDAY) – AUGUSTA, GA – WILLIAM BELL AUDITORIUM (Steve Manderson – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Ivor Barrett versus Chief Little Eagle > Joe Scarpa & Don Curtis versus Pedro Godoy & the Russian Crusher > Freddie Blassie versus Rito Carreon / Notes: No documented results for this card have been found.
JULY 23, 1979 (MONDAY) – AUGUSTA, GA – WILLIAM BELL AUDITORIUM (Charlie Harben – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Genichiro Tenryu defeated Bill Howard > Killer Karl Kox defeated Mike Stallings > Stan Hansen & Tommy Rich versus Ole Anderson & Ivan Koloff ended in a double disqualification > Georgia Television Title Match: Ray Candy defeated Blackjack Lanza* > Georgia Heavyweight Title Indian Strap Match: Wahoo McDaniel* defeated the Masked Superstar / Notes: Ray Candy did not defeat Blackjack Lanza in the first fifteen minutes, so the title did not change hands. Bobby Heenan managed Blackjack Lanza, Killer Karl Kox and the Masked Superstar.
...and on this day in wrestling history:
1976 - Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum
defeated Crusher & Dick the Bruiser
for the AWA Tag Team title
1983 - Jos LeDuc defeated
Scott McGhee for the
Florida State Heavyweight title
1984 - Wendi Richter defeated
Fabulous Moolah for the WWF Women's title
1985 - Jack Hart defeated Mike Graham
in a tournament final for the
Florida State Heavyweight title
1989 - Event - Great American Bash
Baltimore Arena, Baltimore, MD
1995 - Event - In Your House II
Municipal Auditorium, Nashville TN
1995 - Shawn Michaels defeated
Jeff Jarrett for the
WWF Intercontinental title
2000 - Event - Fully Loaded
Reunion Arena, Dallas, TX
2000 - Perry Saturn defeated
Eddie Guerrero for the
WWF European Heavyweight title
2001 - Lance Storm defeated Albert
for the WWF Intercontinental title

Al Perez (48)
Sonny Siaki (34)

JULY 23, 1979 (MONDAY) – AUGUSTA, GA – WILLIAM BELL AUDITORIUM (Charlie Harben – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Genichiro Tenryu defeated Bill Howard > Killer Karl Kox defeated Mike Stallings > Stan Hansen & Tommy Rich versus Ole Anderson & Ivan Koloff ended in a double disqualification > Georgia Television Title Match: Ray Candy defeated Blackjack Lanza* > Georgia Heavyweight Title Indian Strap Match: Wahoo McDaniel* defeated the Masked Superstar / Notes: Ray Candy did not defeat Blackjack Lanza in the first fifteen minutes, so the title did not change hands. Bobby Heenan managed Blackjack Lanza, Killer Karl Kox and the Masked Superstar.
...and on this day in wrestling history:

defeated Crusher & Dick the Bruiser
for the AWA Tag Team title
1983 - Jos LeDuc defeated
Scott McGhee for the
Florida State Heavyweight title
1984 - Wendi Richter defeated
Fabulous Moolah for the WWF Women's title
1985 - Jack Hart defeated Mike Graham
in a tournament final for the
Florida State Heavyweight title
1989 - Event - Great American Bash
Baltimore Arena, Baltimore, MD
1995 - Event - In Your House II
Municipal Auditorium, Nashville TN
1995 - Shawn Michaels defeated
Jeff Jarrett for the
WWF Intercontinental title
2000 - Event - Fully Loaded
Reunion Arena, Dallas, TX
2000 - Perry Saturn defeated
Eddie Guerrero for the
WWF European Heavyweight title
2001 - Lance Storm defeated Albert
for the WWF Intercontinental title

Al Perez (48)
Sonny Siaki (34)
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Wrestling This Weekend in the CSRA!
Some great wrestling action this weekend across the CSRA!

FCW - In YOUR FACE JULY 26, 2008 7PM


FCW - In YOUR FACE JULY 26, 2008 7PM

Wrestling Call-In Radio This Week
This Week check out Great Call-In Online Radio:
7/23/2008 9:00 PM
Call-in Number: (347) 324-5735
The crew from Georgia Wrestling History will bring you the most up-to-date information on events in and around Georgia and beyond. We will be joined by TNA Superstar A.J. Styles, Marc Anthony, and Mike Porter.
This is a Long-Distance Charge
Free to Listen
7/27/2008 5:00 PM
Call-in Number: (347) 826-9284
Watts & Rokket discuss the 7/26 FCW Event, upcoming shows & more!
For those with free weekends, calling via cell phone is recommended
Free to Listen

7/23/2008 9:00 PM
Call-in Number: (347) 324-5735
The crew from Georgia Wrestling History will bring you the most up-to-date information on events in and around Georgia and beyond. We will be joined by TNA Superstar A.J. Styles, Marc Anthony, and Mike Porter.
This is a Long-Distance Charge
Free to Listen

7/27/2008 5:00 PM
Call-in Number: (347) 826-9284
Watts & Rokket discuss the 7/26 FCW Event, upcoming shows & more!
For those with free weekends, calling via cell phone is recommended
Free to Listen
augusta georgia,
georgia wrestling history,
Old School 101 - July 22, 2008
(courtsey of
JULY 22, 1936 (WEDNESDAY) – AUGUSTA, GA – NEW COLISEUM (Bill Metzger – Promoter) > Gayle Byrd versus Inman Rabon > Johnny Marrs versus Prince Lulani Manai / Notes: No documented results for this card have been found.
JULY 22, 1957 (MONDAY) – AUGUSTA, GA – WILLIAM BELL AUDITORIUM (Tom Mahoney – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Bronko Lubich versus Oni Wiki Wiki > Mike Clancy versus Angelo Poffo > Kurt Von Brawner versus Bibber McCoy / Notes: No documented results for this card have been found. Bronko Lubich managed Angelo Poffo.
JULY 22, 1974 (MONDAY) – AUGUSTA, GA – WILLIAM BELL AUDITORIUM (Paul Jones – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Don Kernodle versus Steve Keirn > Roger Kirby versus Jerry Oates > Ron, Jimmy & Terry Garvin versus Roberto Soto, Bob Orton, Jr., & Hurricane Hester > Dennis Stamp versus Super A > Buddy Colt versus Mr. Wrestling #2 > No DQ / No TL Match: Ole & Gene Anderson versus Mr. Wrestling #2 & the Professional / Notes: No documented results for this card have been found. Jimmy Garvin managed Ron & Terry Garvin. Louie Tillet was the special referee for the match between Ole & Gene Anderson and Mr. Wrestling #2 & the Professional.
...and on this day in wrestling:
1995 - Bunkhouse Buck & Dick Slater
defeated Harlem Heat
for the WCW World Tag Team title
1997 - Ultimo Dragon defeated
Steven Regal
for the WCW Television title
2000 - Lobo defeated John Zandig for the Combat Zone World Heavyweight Title
2000 - Wife Beater is awarded
the Combat Zone World Ironman Title
2000 - Nick Gage defeated Wife Beater for
the Combat Zone World Ironman Title
2001 - Event - Invasion
Gund Arena, Cleveland, OH
2001 - Rob Van Dam
defeated Jeff Hardy
for the WWF Hardcore Title

Fabulous Moolah
(would have turned 85)
David Von Erich
(would have turned 50)
Shawn Michaels (43)

JULY 22, 1957 (MONDAY) – AUGUSTA, GA – WILLIAM BELL AUDITORIUM (Tom Mahoney – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Bronko Lubich versus Oni Wiki Wiki > Mike Clancy versus Angelo Poffo > Kurt Von Brawner versus Bibber McCoy / Notes: No documented results for this card have been found. Bronko Lubich managed Angelo Poffo.
JULY 22, 1974 (MONDAY) – AUGUSTA, GA – WILLIAM BELL AUDITORIUM (Paul Jones – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Don Kernodle versus Steve Keirn > Roger Kirby versus Jerry Oates > Ron, Jimmy & Terry Garvin versus Roberto Soto, Bob Orton, Jr., & Hurricane Hester > Dennis Stamp versus Super A > Buddy Colt versus Mr. Wrestling #2 > No DQ / No TL Match: Ole & Gene Anderson versus Mr. Wrestling #2 & the Professional / Notes: No documented results for this card have been found. Jimmy Garvin managed Ron & Terry Garvin. Louie Tillet was the special referee for the match between Ole & Gene Anderson and Mr. Wrestling #2 & the Professional.
...and on this day in wrestling:

defeated Harlem Heat
for the WCW World Tag Team title
1997 - Ultimo Dragon defeated
Steven Regal
for the WCW Television title
2000 - Lobo defeated John Zandig for the Combat Zone World Heavyweight Title
2000 - Wife Beater is awarded
the Combat Zone World Ironman Title
2000 - Nick Gage defeated Wife Beater for
the Combat Zone World Ironman Title
2001 - Event - Invasion
Gund Arena, Cleveland, OH
2001 - Rob Van Dam
defeated Jeff Hardy
for the WWF Hardcore Title

Fabulous Moolah
(would have turned 85)
David Von Erich
(would have turned 50)
Shawn Michaels (43)
Dinner with the Butcher

What's that saying? "when in Rome do as Salvatore Bellomo does?" (Well Sal was actually born in Belgium but made for a pretty convincing Italian in WWF/ECW) but anyway...I decided to take that to heart on a recent trip to the Big Peach (Atlanta) and while I got my fill of international sodas at The World of Coke, contemplated the whole "beef vs seafood" argument at the Georgia Aquarium, and downed the biggest coldest beer ever before riding up the escalator for the CNN tour, the least "touristy" thing the Mrs. and I would do over the past few days would be to head South down I-75/85 and chow down on some Hot-Lanta barbecue courtesy of the Abdullah The Butcher House of Ribs & Chinese Food restaurant.

Abdullah the Butcher House of Ribs and Chinese Food is located just South of Downtown at 2387 Fairburn Rd Sw. and Jonny Rokket and the Mrs. highly recommend the place. Rokket can't guarantee that you'll run into Abdullah but from what I understand, he's there on a regular basis so who knows. Either way, the food is incredible, the collection of wrestling stuff is fun to check out and the service is second to none. The prices are also beyond reasonable.
But try not to stand too close to The Butcher if you meet him. I'm still trying to get the fork out of my shoulder!
Abdullah the Butcher,
house of ribs
Old School 101 - July 20/21, 2008
JULY 20, 1953 (MONDAY) – AUGUSTA, GA – WILLIAM BELL AUDITORIUM (Tom Mahoney – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Tex Riley versus Wild Man Zimm > Women’s World Title Match: Match: Mildred Burke* versus Cora Combs > Johnny Valentine versus Danny Dusek > Red McIntyre versus Chief Chewacki / Notes: No documented results for this card have been found. Mildred Burke had been the reigning Women’s World Champion since she defeated Betty Nichols in Columbus, OH, on December 1, 1938.
JULY 20, 1964 (MONDAY) – AUGUSTA, GA – WILLIAM BELL AUDITORIUM (Steve Manderson – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Charlie Carr and Rube Wright wrestled to a draw > Bruce Austin & Bob Hamby defeated Dick Dunn & Randy Roper by disqualification > Joe Scarpa versus George Harris ruled a no contest
JULY 21, 1958 (MONDAY) – AUGUSTA, GA – ARMORY HALL (Robert McCoy – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Frank Townsend versus Bronko Lubich > Tarzan White versus the Skull > Ray Gunkel versus Angelo Poffo / Notes: No documented results for this card have been found. Bronko Lubich managed Angelo Poffo.
...and on this day in wrestling history:
for July 20th:
1963 - Verne Gagne defeated the
Crusher for the AWA Heavyweight title
1970 - Jack Brisco defeated Harley Race
for the NWA Heavyweight Wrestling title
1980 - Adrian Adonis and Jesse Ventura
awarded the AWA Tag Team title
when Verne Gagne did not appear
1992 - The Natural Disasters defeated
Money, Inc. for the WWF Tag Team title
1992 - Eddie Gilbert defeated Ricky Morton
for the USWA Unified Heavyweight title
1992 - Brian Christopher defeated
Tom Prichard for the
USWA Southern Heavyweight title
1992 - Jerry Lawler & Jeff Jarrett
defeated the Moondogs
for the USWA Tag Team title
1997 - Colorado Kid defeated Justin St. John
for the Music City North American Heavyweight title
1998 - The Giant & Scott Hall
defeated Kevin Nash & Sting for the WCW Tag title
1998 - Bret Hart defeated Diamond Dallas Page
for the vacant WCW US Heavyweight title
1999 - Rip Rogers & Jason Lee defeated
Flash Flanagan & Trailer Park Trash for the
Ohio Valley Southern Heavyweight Tag Title
for July 21st:
1960 - Al Costello & Roy Heffernan defeated
Red & Lou Bastien for the WWWF Tag Team title
1974 - Crusher & Billy Robinson defeated
Nick Bockwinkel & Ray Stevens for
the AWA Tag Team title
1981 - Tony Garea & Rick Martel defeated
the Moondogs for the WWWF Tag Team title
1985 - Tully Blanchard defeated Magnum T.A.
for the NWA U.S. Heavyweight title
1995 - Dean melanko defeated Eddy Guerrero
for the ECW Television title
1996 - Event - In Your House IX
General Motors Palace, Vancouver, BC
2000 - Tracy Smothers & Steve Armstrong
defeated Scotty Sabre & BJ Payne for the
Ohio Valley Southern Heavyweight Tag Title
2002 - Event - Vengeance
Joe Louis Arena, Detroit, MI
2002 - The Rock defeated The Undertaker
and Kurt Angle for the WWE Unified
Heavyweight title
2002 - Christian & Lance Storm defeated
Edge & Hulk Hogan for the WWE Tag Team title

July 21st
Bob Orton Sr. (79)
Nelson Royal (78)
Neil Guay (66)

JULY 20, 1964 (MONDAY) – AUGUSTA, GA – WILLIAM BELL AUDITORIUM (Steve Manderson – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Charlie Carr and Rube Wright wrestled to a draw > Bruce Austin & Bob Hamby defeated Dick Dunn & Randy Roper by disqualification > Joe Scarpa versus George Harris ruled a no contest
JULY 21, 1958 (MONDAY) – AUGUSTA, GA – ARMORY HALL (Robert McCoy – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Frank Townsend versus Bronko Lubich > Tarzan White versus the Skull > Ray Gunkel versus Angelo Poffo / Notes: No documented results for this card have been found. Bronko Lubich managed Angelo Poffo.
...and on this day in wrestling history:
for July 20th:
1963 - Verne Gagne defeated the
Crusher for the AWA Heavyweight title
1970 - Jack Brisco defeated Harley Race
for the NWA Heavyweight Wrestling title
1980 - Adrian Adonis and Jesse Ventura
awarded the AWA Tag Team title
when Verne Gagne did not appear
1992 - The Natural Disasters defeated
Money, Inc. for the WWF Tag Team title
1992 - Eddie Gilbert defeated Ricky Morton
for the USWA Unified Heavyweight title
1992 - Brian Christopher defeated
Tom Prichard for the
USWA Southern Heavyweight title
1992 - Jerry Lawler & Jeff Jarrett
defeated the Moondogs
for the USWA Tag Team title
1997 - Colorado Kid defeated Justin St. John
for the Music City North American Heavyweight title
1998 - The Giant & Scott Hall
defeated Kevin Nash & Sting for the WCW Tag title
1998 - Bret Hart defeated Diamond Dallas Page
for the vacant WCW US Heavyweight title
1999 - Rip Rogers & Jason Lee defeated
Flash Flanagan & Trailer Park Trash for the
Ohio Valley Southern Heavyweight Tag Title
for July 21st:
1960 - Al Costello & Roy Heffernan defeated
Red & Lou Bastien for the WWWF Tag Team title
1974 - Crusher & Billy Robinson defeated
Nick Bockwinkel & Ray Stevens for
the AWA Tag Team title
1981 - Tony Garea & Rick Martel defeated
the Moondogs for the WWWF Tag Team title
1985 - Tully Blanchard defeated Magnum T.A.
for the NWA U.S. Heavyweight title
1995 - Dean melanko defeated Eddy Guerrero
for the ECW Television title
1996 - Event - In Your House IX
General Motors Palace, Vancouver, BC
2000 - Tracy Smothers & Steve Armstrong
defeated Scotty Sabre & BJ Payne for the
Ohio Valley Southern Heavyweight Tag Title
2002 - Event - Vengeance
Joe Louis Arena, Detroit, MI
2002 - The Rock defeated The Undertaker
and Kurt Angle for the WWE Unified
Heavyweight title
2002 - Christian & Lance Storm defeated
Edge & Hulk Hogan for the WWE Tag Team title

July 21st
Bob Orton Sr. (79)
Nelson Royal (78)
Neil Guay (66)
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Jonny Rokket Goes EVEN More Old School!

Already the history wrestling buff, Rokket will continue to add to his "Old School" legacy with features on historical events but will also add to the great history of Georgia Wrestling by tracking indy shows in Georgia as well as parts of South Carolina adding just another dimension to the already great historical brain power at Georgia Wrestling History Online.
The website, run by Rich Tate and located at, features a wealth of information from the past, present and future. Historical facts include cards and results from Georgia going back to the late 1800's as well as a hall of fame. Current features include daily news and events plus results. The site also posts upcoming shows.
Wrestling organizations in the South can submit upcoming shows and result follow-ups by email to:
Rock & Wrestling Gone Wrong

In wrestling, such as in life, there are only a few things you can count on. You can always count on Jonny Rokket to know about all things historical about rock & roll and wrestling. By the same token, there are just the plain facts and it's a historical fact that two things exploded in the '80s: wrestling and MTV. With that in mind yours truly decided to hit up YouTube to see what "classic" rock and wrestling combination videos were available. The results were, to put it mildly, humous, and in many cases, painful. Thes are just a few.
Not all music related clips from the time period were WWF clips. Check out this promo music clip from Southern Championship Wrestling in Georgia. The clip is from the late 80's and the song is 38 Special's "Wild Eyed Southern Boys". The wrestler? "Wildfire" Tommy Rich. I believe a couple of the clips may be from Augusta.
While we all know that The Freebirds brought rock & roll into wrestling, it was the WWF's hook up with Cyndi Lauper that made for wrestle-rock history. Of course Lauper had one of the first "created" for vids on MTV as Captain Lou played her pops for "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun." This next video is a Lauper promo for the movie "The Goonies" and this clip features both parts played on MTV as a special! The videos feature Captain Lou, the Iron Sheik, Freddie Blassie, Nikolai Volkoff, Rowdy Roddy Piper, Andre the Giant and more! To bad it sucked but you be the judge. Love the "you haven't had gas until you've had mom & pop's" store sign though!
Not to be outdone, original Freebird Michael P.S. Hayes did a video for Freebirds theme song "Badstreet USA". This clip was eventually used to make another, very controversial clip. Love ya Michael but this is proof positive why rock died for a while in the early 90's.
Of course WWE title holder the Ultimate Warrior couldn't let another "long-hair" out-rock him so he went out and picked up the biggest baddest most hard rockinest musician on the planet to film a music video with. Phil Collins. WHAT? WAIT? OH DAMN!
Now I could get excited that clip is done but folks, it only goes downhill from there! Check out these next two clips from the WWE. Clip one is a gaggle of WWE wrestlers performing "Land of 1000 Dances" with backup help from Rich Derringer and Meatloaf with band. YIKES!
Next is the legendary (hack) "Stand Back" video from 1987. McMahon sings, dances and makes gay faces while Hulk Hogan "bass-synchs" along. Jesse Ventura's intro is spot-on.
Finally...we have even more Hogan for you courtesy of this more recent clip of Hulk Hogan's Wrestling Boot Traveling Band. The songs' "The Hulksters in the House" and it appears to have been filmed at a Hard Rock Cafe, probably Orlando or Miami. What a combo: Bad food AND bad music!
Well kiddies, I guess that's all the ear-bleeding I'll force upon you on this day. But stay never know when I'll be back with more painful sounds for your delicate ears!
Rokket Out!
Old School 101 - July 19, 2008

JULY 19, 1956 (THURSDAY) – AUGUSTA, GA – WILLIAM BELL AUDITORIUM (Tom Mahoney – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Lee Grable versus the Zebra Kid > Mixed Tag Team Match: Gene Stanlee & Catherine Simpson versus Red McIntyre & Beverly Morris / Notes: No documented results for this card have been found.
...and on this day in wrestling history:

1961 - Hardboiled Haggerty & Gene Kiniski
defeated Wilbur Snyder & Leo Nomellini
for the AWA Tag Team title
1997 - The Gangstas defeated
Buh Buh Ray & D-Von Dudley
for the ECW Tag Team title
1999 - Rick Blade defeated Justice Pain
for the Combat Zone World Light-Heavyweight Title
1999 - The King Pinz defeated
Mr. Motion & Heartbreaker and
Jon Dahmer & Midknight
in a Three Way Match for the
Combat Zone Wrestling Tag Team Titles
2000 - Scotty Sabre & BJ Payne defeated
Slash & Damien for the Ohio Valley
Southern Heavyweight Tag Title
2003 - Shark Boy defeated Rory Fox for the
Heartland Wrestling Association Cruiserweight Title
2003 - J.T. Stahr & T.J. Dalton defeated
Cody Hawk & Chet Jablonski for the
Heartland Wrestling Association Tag Team Titles

Yoshiaki Yatsu (52)
Robert Gibson (50)
Skullcrusher (35)
Kyle Storm (34)

JULY 19, 1956 (THURSDAY) – AUGUSTA, GA – WILLIAM BELL AUDITORIUM (Tom Mahoney – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Lee Grable versus the Zebra Kid > Mixed Tag Team Match: Gene Stanlee & Catherine Simpson versus Red McIntyre & Beverly Morris / Notes: No documented results for this card have been found.
...and on this day in wrestling history:

1961 - Hardboiled Haggerty & Gene Kiniski
defeated Wilbur Snyder & Leo Nomellini
for the AWA Tag Team title
1997 - The Gangstas defeated
Buh Buh Ray & D-Von Dudley
for the ECW Tag Team title
1999 - Rick Blade defeated Justice Pain
for the Combat Zone World Light-Heavyweight Title
1999 - The King Pinz defeated
Mr. Motion & Heartbreaker and
Jon Dahmer & Midknight
in a Three Way Match for the
Combat Zone Wrestling Tag Team Titles
2000 - Scotty Sabre & BJ Payne defeated
Slash & Damien for the Ohio Valley
Southern Heavyweight Tag Title
2003 - Shark Boy defeated Rory Fox for the
Heartland Wrestling Association Cruiserweight Title
2003 - J.T. Stahr & T.J. Dalton defeated
Cody Hawk & Chet Jablonski for the
Heartland Wrestling Association Tag Team Titles

Yoshiaki Yatsu (52)
Robert Gibson (50)
Skullcrusher (35)
Kyle Storm (34)
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