Matt Chat with
Watts & Rokket
3PM Aug. 3rd
Call-In #
(347) 826-9284
Guests TBA
After a rough yet successful debut show, Joey & Jonny return this Sunday with a new time and setup. WNRadio Talk will start two hours earlier at 3:00 PM and we will have an additional 30 minutes just in case it gets good folks!
While the switchboard was a bit troublesome, leaving some listeners unable to call in, the stats reveal that over 75 listeners tuned in and even more have listened to the archived version of the show since then.
Joey and I were joined by FCW CEO Daniel E. Mayne and one of FCW's most popular wrestlers called in to hint when he might be making his return to FCW. Topics included the July 26th FCW "In Your Face" results, FCW being mentioned in Pro Wrestling Illustrated, as well as upoming FCW shows at Patriots Park (August 9th), Liberty Park (August 23rd), and the Thomson National Guard Armory (september 27th).
Expect to great guests this Sunday. You can listen in at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/Mat-Chat-on-WNRadio
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