While I'll admit to not being the biggest WWE fan as of late even I have to admit that the books that Vince and Co. put out are some of the best reads out there on the market. Listen, You Pencil Neck Geeks: Classy Freddie Blassie is no exception.
As informative as it is captivating, this semi-autobiography is a roller coaster of fun spanning from Blassie's early days and beyond with a style that is just as much candid Blassie rambling as it is "proper" writing. Blassie is not mild in his descriptions and opinions of his sexual escapades, other wrestlers, and the wrestling business. Many of the tales are personal reflections on his relationships (or lack of) with Hulk Hogan, Captain Lou Albano, Nikolai Volkoff, Muhammad Ali and Andy Kaufman, who even provided Blassie with the opportunity to utter the now classic words "what the hell ever happened to the human race?" in the film Breakfast with Blassie.
While Listen, You Pencil Neck Geeks: Classy Freddie Blassie may not be for the verbally squeemish, blunt language and all, it is a direct in-your-face read that is part provocative, part beautiful, part dirty and all Freddie Blassie.
by Jonny Rokket
Pick up your own copy of Listen, You Pencil Neck Geeks: Classy Freddie Blassie online at Amazon: Freddie Blassie.
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