OCTOBER 8, 1979 (MONDAY) – AUGUSTA, GA – WILLIAM BELL AUDITORIUM (Charlie Harben – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Carl Fergie defeated Gerald Finley > Bobby Jaggers defeated Chick Donovan > Tony Atlas defeated Ox Baker > Ernie Ladd & Ole Anderson and Tommy Rich & the Crusher wrestled to a draw > Canadian Lumberjack Match: Bob Armstrong defeated Bobby Heenan / Notes: Bobby Heenan managed Ernie Ladd and Bobby Jaggers.
...and on this day in wrestling history:
1986 - Barry Windham defeated Outlaw Ron Bass
for the Florida State Heavyweight title
1990 - Jerry Lawler defeated Austin Idol
in a tournament final for
the USWA Unified Heavyweight title
2001 - Steve Austin defeated Kurt Angle
for the WWF Heavyweight title
2001 - The Hardy Boyz defeated Test & Booker T
for the WCW Tag title
2002 - A jury clears the WWE of all charges
brought by bodybuilder Nicole Bass

The Miz (28)
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